Kamis, 02 Mei 2013

Bahan Pangan yang Kaya Kalsium

Bunda..kebutuhan kalsium harian anak berkisar 500mg sehari..jika ingin mensubstitusi kalsium susu disini saya sertakan bbrp bahan pangan yg mengandung kalsium.1 cup of milk 300

Food Amount of Calcium in milligrams (mg)

6 oz of yogurt 350
1 oz hard cheese (cheddar) 240
2... slices processed cheese 265 1/4 cup cottage cheese 120
1/2 cup soft serve frozen yogurt 100
1/2 cup ice cream 85
1/2 cup tofu 258
1/2 cup pinto beans or chick peas 40
1/4 cup almonds 95
1 Tbsp almond butter 43

1 Tbsp sesame seeds 90
1/4 cup Brazil nuts or hazelnuts 55
8 medium sardines (canned) 370
3 oz salmon 180
1/2 cup oysters (canned) 60
1/2 cup shrimp (canned) 40
1/2 cup bok choy 75
1 cup broccoli 178
1 cup celery 54
1 cup cooked green beans 58
1 cup cooked butternut squash 84
1 cup cooked sweet potato 70
1 medium naval orange 56
2/3 cup raisins 53
1 cup calcium-fortified orange juice 300
1 cup enriched soy milk 300
1 cup enriched rice milk 300

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